Harrison Maitha, the bodyguard who
died protecting Fisheries Minister Amason Kingi, first had his hands severed as
he warded off Panga blows meant for Ministers head. He will forever be my hero, the man who did his job to the best of his abilities. He reminds me of my close
friends in the various forces, with very young families and bright dreams and
burning ambitions. In uniform or plainclothe, they are on duty when you are
blissfully snoring while in happy dreamland.
In the coldest of weathers or
meanest drizzles they prowl our neighborhoods, watchful for that burglar who
wants to break into your house and rudely interrupt as you make love to your
It don’t matter that this gallant
gentlemen are usually posted at the other end of the Country away from the
comfort of their families and live in shacks that would be ashamed to stand
amidst Kibera’s ramshackle’s.
It don’t matter that the public never
does appreciate most of what they do, and heap all blame on them. When we
overlap, we blame em for traffic snarl-ups. When we cause raucous in
establishments and they though us in, we blame them. In our eyes, they are the
personification of that which they fight, evil. How wrong…..ok, there are afew
flies that spoil the broth.
It reminds me of a tribute coined
ages back, http://mutuirigitonga.blogspot.com/2009/08/i-salute-you.html
(I salute you)
A glowing tribute to members of our society that we have so learnt to ignore.Nice piece.